Legends Studio Alberton Under New Management

2018-01-22T10:36:33+00:00 January 21st, 2018|

Legends Head Office would like to extend our best wishes to the NEW MANAGEMENT of Legends Alberton Branch, now hosted by Helen Mansfield and Michelle Ellis.

In celebration of this, our Albertson Branch would like to extend an invitation to you to visit their branch and take advantage of the exciting packages they have on offer:

BOOK and PAY before the end of July 2015 for our Premium Package of R 4 000.00 which includes 6 cavitation sessions, 2 Lymph Drainage sessions and 12 slimming injections and receive a FREE R.F skin tightening treatment to the value of R 450.00.*

We are sure that Helen and Michelle will take the branch from strength to strength.

They look forward to meeting you and shaping you into the future!

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